Tuesday, October 6, 2015


     I came home from my morning shopping trip, parked in my driveway, and duly noted a police cruiser parked on the side street by my house.  I got out quietly and looked around, up and down the street, in yards, and down the alley, but saw no one.  the police car was unoccupied.
     There's been incidents.  There was a fire down the street just two weeks ago, arson, and the man and the woman found both shot to death in their car.  There was the awful incident a few years back where a man shook his baby to death, and later we all learned that he had fled another state, another wife, another life, after having done the same thing.  One of my neighbors was strung out on heroin before wrecking his car, his marriage and his life; that house is still abandoned.  Another was known to have clogged the sewer lines with hypodermic needles.  Even one of my own roommates called the police after some kind of staged suicide attempt.
     So, I walked quietly around to the front of my house.  there, on the main street, was another cruiser and an unmarked squad car parked right across the street.  But this was near the middle of the day, there was bright sunshine and hardly any traffic.  Nothing was moving and there were no sounds.  I looked at my neighbor's house, everything seemed to be in order.  The hardware store was quiet.
     After a minute or two of waiting, and still hearing nothing, seeing nothing, I ventured in to the hardware store.
     The cashier was on top of the situation.  He had it all scoped out.

     "They are having lunch together at the pizza shop", he stated boldly.
Just then one of the officers passed by on the sidewalk.  "How's it going?", he asked.

     I think there is a lesson in there, somewhere ....

Saturday, May 16, 2015

"The Death of Money"

James Rickards, Penguin, 2014.

I highly recommend, he's extremely informative and thought-provoking, although I disagree with some of his conclusions.
Here's an excerpt that I won't argue with:

"There are few more tendentious comments on gold than the a priori
statement that a gold standard cannot work today.  In fact, a well-
designed gold standard could work smoothly if the political will existed to enact it and to adhere to its noninflationary disciplines.  A gold standard
is the ideal monetary system for those who create wealth through
ingenuity, entrepreneurship, and hard work.  Gold standards are disfavored
by those who do not create wealth but instead seek to extract wealth from others through inflation, inside information, and market manipulation. 
The debate over gold versus fiat money is really a debate between
entrepreneurs and rentiers."

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


does it take so long
for everybody else to grasp
what a disaster the  crude oil price drop is for the economy of the USA?

which is mainly based upon financial gimmickery,
and as such is highly vulnerable to price drops in land
and defaults in oil company debts
and large numbers of layoffs in
one of the few growth industries we had left


Back in the day, the stock market actually was a good predictor
of economic conditions to come.
Are we at the point now where the great majority of stock holdings
are  in the care of people who don't understand what they are doing?

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


you know, its the very favourite tool of the kings, the oligarches ... lets get the poor white people to fight against the poor black people, so that we can rule and control all of them ....

but you know, the way things are going now, with populations in every region easily and instantly able to pick up and relocate to any different region, anywhere on the globe, and with the old rules about sticking to your own kind now in complete tatters and so many children ensuing who cannot lay allegiance to any group of any kind but can only bear the label "mixed", and bear it with pride ....

it won't be long now, not long at all, just a few more generations, before any sentiment or generalization along such lines will sound so archaic, so ancient, that people will faint believe that anybody ever behaved in those silly ways ....

Friday, January 30, 2015


     this is hilarious.  The contortions that the western mainstream media is trying to go through to put some kind of favorable spin on the situation.....

     Greece, and the Ukraine, and Russia now have a gun pointed at the heart of our system ... either the west surrenders and GIVES both Greece and the Ukraine the money that they request, or else they get it from Russia.  If they get it from Russia then all of the Greek debt and Ukraine debt held by the IMF and the ECB and the western banks, goes into default, and that's enough to tip the whole system into disaster.

     I just can't wait to see how Fox News words this little imbroglio......

Friday, January 23, 2015

Olio Petrolio

Olio Petrolio sat on a wall.

Olio Petrolio had a great fall.

All the King's bankers

and all the Bureau of Printing and Engraving's inket printer pens

could not put Olio Petrolio back together again!

They say history never repeats, but sometimes it rhymes.

Recommended reading:


I simply cannot believe that this is happening again, exactly the same way.
I guess the schools in the USA have deteriorated so far, degenerated into little boot camps,
that not even the elite schools for the well-to-do and future leaders of our nation teach
any modicum of history.  (Or literature:  "War and Peace" is well worth the time and effort....)

This time around, western civilization is at risk.  Looks to me like its already lost.....

Monday, January 19, 2015


     I am miserable this morning.  I just feel horrible.  Third day in a row.  There is nothing going on, that I know about.  I feel like I am bleeding from every orifice.
     Yesterday, we made just fabulous music in church.  We all had so much fun.  If religion is the opiate of the masses, then the people I worship with have managed to distill the finest heroin available anywhere....
     ... and it made no difference at all to my mood.  I felt horrible before I went and I felt horrible when I got home.  I feel as if I'm staying at a hotel in downtown Kigali in about May of 1994.

     After all these many years of managing this, I have finally come around to thinking about my experiences as a "gift".  this even though I understand that the primary reason that I am this way is that I developed empathy as a defense mechanism to be aware of impending tirades and terror from my parents.  I must have been born with the propensity but their imperious abuse certainly nurtured and developed this sixth sense of mine to a fine edge.

     You might have thought that at least *one* of the myriad counselors and psychiatrists who had attended to me for all those many years, at least one of them would have picked up on the fact that my moods are a reflection, that they don't originate with me and they don't even belong to me, but that I am only acting as the reflector, the receiver.  However, if you thought that, it would be because you make the same fundamental mistake about their real roles that I did for so many years.  Psychiatrists are not hired or paid for by the patients, no indeed, they are hired and paid by the parents, the teachers, the police and other authorities who do not wish to deal with the difficulties they have spawned on account of their own hypocrisies.  The real goals and motivations of the psychiatrists is to make individuals be more tractable, more congenial, easier to cope with, quieter.  They have no reason whatever to want to really help or "cure" these people.  That is why they have so little hesitation about using powerful drugs, electric shock, surgery, or whatever other damaging, destructive and harmful means they can invent to permanently maim people if that will help to achieve their real goals.

     I'll save that rant for another day.

     I was well past 50 when I began to really realize that I am an empath.  I receive other people's emotions, in much the same way that your nose receives information about a pestilence, an infection, a putrescence, a poison.  At times I can be genuinely psychic, receiving feelings from people far distant from me.  Like ammonia to your nose, I can be almost overcome if something is intense enough.  But, like your nose, I cannot usually isolate the source of the affliction, I must rely upon other sources, other senses, my eyes, ears, or even touch, to identify where the smell is coming from.  In the case of emotions, its still, even now, a bit of a challenge to verify that the source is outside of me rather than coming from my own body.  On occasion I even adopt physical aches and pains, back aches, fatigue, asthma, or other bodily distress symptoms.  Once I'm pretty sure its not "me", then I still have to figure out who is sending to me., and sometimes it can takes weeks or longer to find out.  It can be someone I am living with.  It can be someone I am close friends with.  It can be some family member or some long lost girlfriend that I have not even seen or talked to for months or even years.... or ... since I spend so much time reading myriad news sources and commentary, and focusing upon macro and worldwide economic issues which affect millions of people rather than isolated political figures who have much less importance than they or their detractors or the  media say they do ... it can be the markets.

     That is why I can be such an accurate prophet.  Its not because I can really see the future, although many times it seems that way.  Its because I can feel what the people in power are really feeling, and so I know what they are going to do before they do.

      A slight aside here.  The reason why I am not rich is very simple.  I do not want to be very rich.  Its a royal pain in the ass to have to make all those decisions all the time and to have powerful, aggressive individuals after you, trying every trick in the book to take it away from you all the time.  I have been, in times past, rich enough to know what that's about ... rich enough that when there is a general bus, metro and taxi strike in Paris, the manager of the hotel where I'm staying gives me his personal car to use.  I could go on but you know.  Its a royal pain in the ass, Jesus was not just preaching when he talked about being rich being a terrible experience.  You would think that the very, very rich of this world would be smart enough to figure that one out, but they can't because they have this horrible addiction...its much worse than heroin ... I am digressing again, sorry.

     That's why, if I need money, I can always get it out of the markets.  Always.

     I don't have any girlfriends right now, have got them all out of my home and out of my blood, haven't had any for years.  I may have just outgrown all of that misery, for good and all.  My friends are doing fine and my family members are bumbling along as usual.  So this mood which is pounding me like a nor'easter has got to be coming from the high up muckty mucks.  I was not just kidding about cheap oil being a black swan.

     Look out below ....