Saturday, July 7, 2012


Darden Restuarants PO Box 695011 Orlando, FL 32869-5011 Dear Sirs, Last night two young ladies of my acquaintance had occasion to treat me to dinner and they chose your Olive Garden restaurant located near PG Plaza in the Maryland suburbs of Washington, D. C. for a venue. As you may be aware, much of the continental U.S. is now incurring a severe heat wave and drought conditions. Even as I write, the temperature is climbing to a higher number than I have ever seen before in living 62 years primarily in this area. To be brief, the ambient temperature inside your establishment was so cold that we were forced to terminate our meal early and exit to the outdoors as quickly as possible. Now I am a long-time investor and trader and often am exceedingly successful at my trade. I trade primarily in energy issues. I consider in general that I profit from the stupidity of others and most specifically from those corporations and businesses which train their customers to act like helpless idiots. Right now I have a very large position in coal which is benefiting substantially from the primary dependence of Americans upon their air conditioning and their misguided perception that this commodity is required for survival. In other periods I have profited from shorting your company stock. So I don't care. I am an old man and I have no children. But do you care, that your policies are helping to destroy this society and possibly this world (in your own little way you may be contributing to global warming, you certainly are not helping.)? I'm just curious..... Sincerely,

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